Psychedelic Online Dispensary

Best psychedelic products for microdosing experience

Master the Microdosing Journey: Top 11 Tips to Know

So let’s start by asking you a few questions before your first microdosing journey? What is the main reason you want to microdose? What are a few things about yourself you are unhappy with and would like to change? Are you ready to allow yourself a new perspective? And what is your plan of healthy behavior and activities to do in conjunction with microdosing?

However, is extremely important to understand that microdosing is not a pill you take the rest of your life. Again, western medicine has pushed the idea that you need continued use of a substance in order to feel better. When in reality if you address the root of the issue you don’t need to treat the symptoms. Microdosing is not a “cure all” although it can make you feel better it ultimately will not solve your problems for you, that still requires work. Microdosing is a catalyst for change by breaking thought patterns and allowing you to see other possibilities of how to view things.

As a result, we would be talking about 11 things to consider before you begin your microdosing journey. Remember to be responsible, mature and mindful with psychedelic products.

Do you Consider Microdosing? Here’s what you need to know

  1. Product selection : First, choosing the right product to begin your microdosing journey with is important. Moreover, there are a variety of products to choose from such as : Psilocybin Mushroom, LSD, Ayahuesca, Ibogain and more. Nevertheless, you’ll need to decide which you can easily source. My recommendations would be Psilocybin mushrooms or LSD for a start. You can take retreat programs for Ayahuesca for deep inner personal discovery.
  2. “Set an intention” before microdosing : Basically all that means is have a reason for doing it and know what you want to get out of it. That’s why I asked you those questions above to help you set your intentions. Also exercise and meditation are extremely important. Doesn’t matter if all you do is a 20 min walk and 5 mins of breathing exercises a day believe me you will notice a difference. Equally important, allow yourself a new experience with mushrooms which means forget all your past experiences and let this be a new experience.
  3. “Set and Setting” is important : The setting, including the physical and social environment, is crucial in shaping the experience of your microdosing journey. As it directly influences the sensory and emotional journey, potentially preventing a negative trip. A favorable setting, characterized by a calm, comfortable, and familiar environment, can significantly enhance the mushroom experience. Such settings help individuals feel more at ease, minimizing stressors that could potentially trigger anxiety or negative emotions during the trip.
  4. Choose Your Method of Consumption : However choosing a favorable method of consuming your microdosing product would depend on you. For mushrooms you may want to consider grinding your dried powder before encapsulating them. Another method boil your mushroom for tea or probably chew your dry strains. On the other hand, if you consider LSD tabs for your Microdosing journey. Then, you have to cut your LSD tab to multiple mini tabs that you can put beneath the tongue.
  5. Choose a Dose: Begin with a very small dose, typically 1/20th to 1/10th of an active dose. For LSD, this is around 5-10 mcg, while for psilocybin mushrooms, it ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 grams.
  6. Day 1 Precautions: On your first day of microdosing, avoid driving when impaired and choose a day without major responsibilities to ensure you are comfortable and safe.
  7. Having A Trip Sitter : A trip sitter is a sober companion who provides support and supervision during a psychedelic journey, especially during challenging experiences known as “bad trips.” The trip sitter’s responsibilities extend beyond mere presence. They are tasked with creating and maintaining a calm, safe environment that promotes positivity and comfort.
  8. Benefits and Caution: While microdosing has been reported to have various benefits like alleviating depression, anxiety, addiction, and improving relationships, it is essential to note that these benefits are largely anecdotal and not scientifically proven yet.
  9. Avoid Certain Drugs: Never microdose stimulants like MDMA, ADHD medication, or amphetamines due to potential health risks and minimal benefits.
  10. Understand Microdosing: Microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms: a double-blind placebo-controlled study | Translational Psychiatry ( It can vary based on factors like the drug used, weight, tolerance, and more.
  11. Sourcing your Microdosing products : For instance, it is important to know the different psychedelic that have been decriminalized in your region. Second, buying microdosing products online is quite challenging with lots of fake websites selling fake products for Microdosing. Now, if this your first hearing about Microdosing and you’re ready to give it a try. Well consider PsychedelicMedicinalDispensary. We have satisfied a more a million customers worldwide and our reviews will tell you more.

 Small amounts of mushrooms are very different than large amounts of mushrooms period. Although these microdoses will not get you high the first time you take them you will feel something but it won’t inhibit your daily activities. I suggest taking your first dose on a day off just to get a sense of it but after that it doesn’t matter because it will not effect your work in a negative way or any other activities for that matter. It is not a large enough amount to have any serious “high”.

Buy medicinal Magic Mushrooms Online for Microdosing here.

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